Monday, August 13, 2012

Environmental Monitoring

The City has a laboratory at the Hyperion Water Plant, where solids and liquids are analyzed numerous times throughout the process. This way, it is ensured that systems are working correctly. Samples of the coastal waters are taken throughout the year to check for any impact by the water plant on the Santa Monica Bay.

Beneficial Use Sites

Biosolids are applied at the Green Acres Farm in Ken County. 99.9% of the biosolids produced at the water plant are applied here, to grow corn, wheat, and alfalfa as non-food crops.

Gas to Energy

Biogas produced in the digesters is transported to the nearby City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power’s Scattergood Steam Power Plant. Here, about 8 million cubic feet of gas are converted into energy daily. The LADWP, in return, provides enough energy to supply the Hyperion Water Plant's daily needs.

Reclaimed Water Processing

About 6% of the water is pumped to the West Basin Water Recycling Plant. After further processing here, the water is then used for industrial and irrigational purposes.

Structure in charge of pumping water to the West Basin Plant

Ocean Outfall

Most of the water that passes the secondary treatment stage is then pumped into the Santa Monica Bay through a 5-mile outfall. The water poured out meets the State cleat water standards and is compatible with bay waters, as well as the flora and fauna that inhabit them.

The structure in charge of pouring the water into the ocean

Secondary Treatent: STAGE 2

The bacteria are removed from the waste water by a settling process in the clarifiers. Some of the waste will be sent back to the tanks to be treated again and some will be thickened and sent to the digesters.

The 36 clarifiers available at the Hyperion Plant

Secondary Treatment: STAGE 1

Secondary treatment has two stages: First, in oxygen rich tanks, bacteria that live in the waste water consume the rest of the organic matter. Then, these bacteria settle to the bottom of the tank to be removed in the clarifiers.